Adyyc's game! (f77a5bce)

I’m GMT -8 or -7 during daylight savings, which we’re about to switch to.

Hey, i have GMT+1. Have a nice game all.

seems I am not able to load the save file. It is just greyed out.

@Greylock You must subscribe to Better Balanced Starts mod:

Hi. I play PYDT first time. And I have a problem. I launch PYDT client, download save, run a game. I play as Trajan not Tamar, I can make move, save the game and thats all. Am I do something wrong?

You need to launch PYDT client after you have saved your turn and it should offer to upload your saved file if it’s working correctly.

Oh and don’t worry that it shows you Tamar at the start…just a glitch.

Thanks! I had to do it manually. But it works. Good luck and see You all in the game.

I can’t seem to load my turn. Says there is a mod compatibility issue. Anyone else have thee problem since Gathering Storm was released?

No. I have Gathering Storm and play my turn with no problems.

Which mods if any do you have enabled?

Better Balanced Start

We’ve had lots of problems reported with better balanced start since gathering storm was released, i’m pretty sure that’s the issue.

Thanks mrosack.

Everyone else, I guess there is not point in me resigning if the issue is likely to affect other players too? Let me know what you think.

Hi - I will be on vacation until 18th July…

I am on vacation until Thursday…

Looks like the mod compatibility issue has cropped up again, won;t let me start my turn. Assume it’s due to Better Balanced Start.

It might be also because game updates. Are you playing on Windows?

@HappyCamper Better Balanced Start should not mess with game mechanics.

It shouldn’t; but it did it before around when Gathering Storm first came out.
Aye, I’m using Windows and all the other games I’m in are fine.