8 Seats Invitational, Wetlands, No AI's, Std Speed, BBG, BBS (8feaa465)

It looks like last update borke the game :frowning: Looking for ways to fix it …

Looks like a lot of mac users facing the same problem
So we can just wait for fix :frowning:

I had this issue too.
Mine got fixed after uninstalling the whole thing and installing it again :upside_down_face:

Yes me too, uninstalling and installing again worked on mac.

Do u still have this issue?

just fixed

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I looked through my games and these 3 games are the fastest. Thanks players!

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@chaldean33 my friend, it seems that for the last weeks you are slowing hard the games, do you feel comfortable if we look for a sub? :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s taken me longer to catch up at work than I thought after missing many days due to illness, but I promise I’m back on track! If I fall behind on turns again, I’ll understand if you do a sub. Thank you all for your patience!

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I’ve found people understand IF you communicate by posting a message stating your situation ahead of time.


@chaldean33 We hope that you are feeling better.

I really prefer you to stay on the game and take ur turns within the expected time, so if you can commit to that there is no need to look for a sub, but feel free to request a sub if you feel yourself very pressured. :wink:

Since BBG got updated today, do we want to continue this game with live BBG (that means once in a while different things change in middle of the game) or we want to change to a static 5.2 BBG? If so, please let me know and I can switch this game BBG to static 5.2, and u need to download the static one from here:

I am asking this for all three simultaneous games we have together in Perro’s tournament.

I was already discussing this with @Calcifer via discord, and as most of us based our civ picks and gameplay on 5.2 version characteristics, at least for me, I would prefer to stay in 5.2, rather than swapping to 5.3 where we might have changes for good and other for bad, but it’s like a lucky shoot. What do all of you think? do we stay in 5.2 that seems to be pretty decent and stable and also has the characteristics for civs and gameplay that we used to select our civs, or do we swap to 5.3 and may the force be with us?

Not sure I understand this. I thought the game was locked at the settings/mods used by the host at launch. Is it not? Can you change mods every time you load a turn?

If a game is launched with live BBG (BBG from Steam workshop), when BBG update its mod, our cloud games will get impacted, and will always be on latest BBG. So, if they change something for a civ or change governors, we also get these changes.

To prevent this, we can switch to static BBG that will not change anymore, and that’s what I proposed to do.

Static BBG plz!

I get that, my question is isn’t the game locked to the mods it launched with, so this BBG? Can we switch to another mod with a different name now? If yes then that is super worrying as everytime someone loads a save they can use a cheat trainer and do whatever…

That is unfortunately possible, and its one of the reasons we didn’t made the hack to change the BBG version to a static one public.
The whole cloud games is on trust I believe because if someone wants to cheat, they can do a lot of things that we cannot check. Also, if caught, we will tell everyone in the community and they won’t be allowed in any new games.