7-seas BBG (7d22b7d0)

Thanks for posting that. I tried quickly and it didn’t work and I had a meeting to go to.

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@andrewsmart48, how is it going with the power source?

@adyyc will you please mark @Volks as open for substitution?

@adi_4k Done!

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@adyyc, the player replacing @Volks is asking if there are any rules to follow in this game.

I would say that, being CPL ranked, we automatically follow the CPL rules

Some of the players would like to have maximum 2 friendships/alliances.

  • What do you think?

Note: I’ve opened a vote on Discord, but if you say that “there is no extra rule” → then we go by that, because there were no extra rules mentioned when we started and you are the host

Update: the result of the vote on Discord → maximum 2 frienships/alliance

I’ve put here the rules: See message on Discord