6 Seats, No AI, Continents, BBS, BBG, FFA if meet the rules =) (e6b08189)

no, i am saladin. I am going to war with germany soon actually. we can help each other there, as well

why everyone is fighting Germany? Arabia and Hungary is already far away from us and you just make this gap wider
maybe you can destroy encampments and cities but other civs will just win while you fight for some unknown reason

i got bored in the game. you were all in war and I was simming. sorry :slight_smile:
I just needed an excuse that you gave me by buying a 3rd ring tile near my city.
japan also was already dead so no point warring him. I am also friend with england for 20 turns that if he accepts long term fs, we will be friends until the end of the game.

fight with Hungary :melting_face:

where is he? lol

I’m Hungary. I don’t know where you all are either. I’m guessing that you are to the east or west of me :laughing:

I’ll give away some free information: I warred Mr T800 and took all of his cities but one, which I may or may not take later. I control an entire continent surrounded by oceans with no coastal cities, so please don’t war me. But if you do, I will respond appropriately.

OK. Sure.

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damn. you even don’t have coastal city? :frowning:
its a very stupid map. we are 4 civs on a small continent.

We had 2 civs on one continent and it wasn’t my game plan to go to war early, but the opportunity arose and I took it. I don’t do coastal cities anymore. Why? Well. in one game, Calcifer is sending 6 (!) caravels and 2 frigates against 2 of my coastal cities, which probably won’t survive. In another game, he razed all my coastal cities.

Well, you had almost zero navy in a naval map. you should expect someone rush caravels and attack your coastal cities.

True, but I wrongly thought that, due to the distanced involved, you would attack your neighbor Perro instead, especially since he seems to be building towards a religious victory.

@OtherRealisms we met at last :smiley:

GGs :slight_smile: but i really think that Japanese emotional politics ruined this game for the whole continent
pls write here who will win and share some screenshots :slight_smile:

Calcifer is ahead. I think that I have a shot at winning. No screenshots, that would disclose sensitive information. I seek friendship with Japan and England.

GG wp indeed. see you in other games.

We will make our continent great again! :smiley_cat:

I don’t FS is in order. I will do everything I can to ensure you do not win this game.

I’m posting the congress for this session.

@OtherRealisms unlucky flood for you. great luck for me :smiley:

I’m ready to declare this game for Calcifer @Calcifer. My cities are falling fast. I’ve got n chance to recover.

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