4-leaf clover FFA (ca17a4f2)

Smack talk goes here for 4-leaf clover FFA! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/ca17a4f2-e9ad-4c24-9f49-e9aa7207691e

I picked random leader but Iā€™m up for some kind of ban/draft system.
Are we using BBG/BBS and the usual?

Iā€™m fine either way on civ choice, letā€™s see what other players would like after they join

Iā€™m not planning any mods, not sure otherwise what ā€˜the usualā€™ is ā€¦ Iā€™m open to whatever though. What do those mods do?

BBG is Better Balanced Game and changes mostly civs/leaders (but also to a lesser extent governors/great people/sometimes a tech requirement here and here) - itā€™s not perfect but it helps balance a lot (so much that to be blunt, Iā€™d probably not play without it)

BBS is Better Balanced Starts and mostly smoothes out the difference between very good starts and very bad ones, including changes to natural wonders.

Thatā€™s mostly all of them to be honest - Then there are UI Mods that are entirely optional: if the Host of the game has them then everyone can use them if they wish. Extended Policy Cards is a must-have IMO and I also use Concise UI

Thanks for your descriptions of the mods! Right now I have a lot of ā€˜base gameā€™ games going on, so Iā€™m not going to throw a game into the mix with such broad game changes as the BBG mod (for much the same reason I imagine youā€™d rather not play a game without it :smiley: ) ā€¦

so thisā€™ll be an unmodded game

Aight no worries, best of luck!

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Hey @banman39 looks like we are ready to go, can you start the game?

For sure! Just noticed last night we have four, but didnā€™t have a chance to start it until today. Will be up imminently ā€¦

Hrm, you have some mod called ā€œlarger map sizesā€, which looks like itā€™s a Steam mod - Iā€™m playing through Epic Games and I canā€™t seem to find it.

Unless you can tell me otherwise, Iā€™ll probably have to bow out.

Let me look into it, I thought Iā€™d made sure no non-steam mods were active ā€¦

yep, I missed it, hang on a minute

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Give it a try, should be good now

Nailed it, thanks

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Anyone know someone whoā€™d be interested in subbing for Australia? Iā€™ve posted in the public channel, but no takers

Iā€™ll ask a friend when I get back to town next week. Sorry about the huge turn delay, was off grid travelling for a bit.

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@kevpaz was your friend interested in joining?

yeah, i should be able to dig someone up today. are you holding off on your turn until we fill the slot?

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yeah, figure itā€™s easier that way

the people iā€™ve sent it to so far donā€™t want to add any more games :frowning: is it open for public join right now?