4-leaf clover FFA (ca17a4f2)

should be – is set for humans to join after start, and there’s no password on it

Alternatively, we can continue with an AI – if both of you would like to, I’m happy to do that too

i’d vote for continuing with AI, the slot has been open for a while now and i don’t think any of my friends are going to join

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Continue with AI

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Good game all. I’m about to head on vacation for a week and instead of holding up the game I’ll surrender. I’m not too many turns away from death anyway, banman wiped my army a few turns back. Thanks for the game.

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good game @kevpaz !!!

@banman39 I captured your capital. Thank you for the game.

Good game!! I should’ve restrained myself from taking out the Cree, but I think you would’ve gotten me anyways :+1: