225 (499f781a)

Smack talk goes here for 225! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/499f781a-20a6-4ce0-99c3-4f0452e36ff3

I recommend you also add the MPH mod.

Besides giving you really nice game setup options, it also does this:

  • A technology or civic will be auto-selected at the end of any turn in which you do not manually select one.

Without it, players can simply overflow science and culture for ever, not being forced to select a tech/civic to progress on.

Why would a player not want to progress?

Because Progress doesn’t matter.

  • The only thing that matters is if the tech/civic is done or not.

If I am not forced to progress:

  • I have more time to do the eureka/inspiration
  • I do not unlock unwanted districts = easier district discounting
  • I avoid spending science/culture in the wrong tech/civic

So I only select a tech/civic when I want to finish it ( and it has “1 turn left”)

The game has a timer that will skip a turn after two days of delay.

did we change players? @CoffeeCat

Yes, they replaced it with a player who won’t turn as slowly.

great! thx @Rishat13!

1 Like

Kongo on 3 relics already, Nice! Suz Kandy early??

Kongo receives relics from buildings in the government square. I haven’t met Kandy.

Oh I see, BBG buff.

Hi @Rishat13. Even though i’m on vacation mode my turn got skipped. Would you please revert so I can make my play?
I would also suggest changing the game configuration so as not to skip turns of players on vacation mode:


Hey everyone! Are you guys aware that we do not have a static BBG in place, which means that every change made to BBG, even big changes when they make a new version, is applied to the game while its running?
It includes changes such as buffs and nerfs to civs, units, game concepts and all else.

I’d like to suggest a vote to decide what we do about it:

  • keep the way it is and be susceptible to whatever change they made;
  • change to static BBG 5.8.1, the current version;
  • change to static BBG 5.6.1, the version the game started at (Dec 4th).

what say you guys?
@Rishat13 @chivinavy @Viktor @alexander.sessa @CoffeeCat @slane @StefanosG @alexxius @Buno

Most of the game has already passed. There is no point in changing anything anymore. I wish I could finish this game faster. I apologize for taking so long to make turns: I have very little free time now.

Hi @Rishat13. I have no problem if most of you guys prefer to keep laws “fluid”, but the motive cannot be because most of the has already passed, because it didn’t!
We’re playing in “normal” speed, and haven’t even reached Renaissance! We have a long way to go! :slight_smile:

hey @Rishat13. All good with you?
Mate, did you remove the timer? Are you having trouble finding time to play?
You can always ask for someone to take your place if you’re having little free time.
Anyways, it would be polite to let us know when you’re changing game settings - we’re all in it as much as yourself!

gg @Viktor!

minus one to the game! who took @slane out?

