12 Seats, No AI's, Shuffle, Std Speed, BBG, BBS, FFA (rules) (c4ccec3e)

by the way, my playing times are GMT

To be precise, I have appointments on mondays and tuesdays, which means, mondays I can play between 6-7 pm and before I go to bed at 10 pm, tuesdays 9-10 pm and the rest of the week 6-10 pm.

Hi everyone, currently i am free at all days in the week. Usually I can turn (GMT) from 5-8am and 7-10 pm. No probs to made my 2 turns per day. More informations needed?

  • No bans
  • 5-8 am. (GMT)
  • 7-10 pm (GMT)
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So confirming, are these your playing windows in GMT time?
6-7 am
and 6-10pm (with the exception of some days)
Did I understand correct?

Ckarik it seems that you are new to Play Your Damn Turn, am I correct?

that’s correct

My friend it seems that you are new to PYDT, how can we know that you are not gonna leave this game in the early or mid game? I have tried with new players that after a few weeks leave the game and that is not funny for the rest of the players, have you played cloud games before in other plataforms? or does someone can recommend you?

Sorry, GMT time.

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I think this messages count for me, too :slight_smile:

I am played Civ since the first game, I love to playing with humans, becaus the AI is a the AI, not the best at all. I want to made the next step in the Civ Game, play with experienced player of a long time.

For me its normal, to play a game til to the end ( of course also surrending if iam in these situation)

Of course, thats my reasons, but I hope thats explain my ambition.

But I know, that my reason is not enough for you, because you have bad experince with other new player.

In this case, I leave your game for an Player with more turns in PYDT.

I understand your concern. In the short time I have played here I already experienced what you are talking about. I have played every civ since the second one, but civ 6 is the first one I played with other people.

But there are some things I don’t like about online playing. Often you are under constant pressure to make your moves and sometimes you don’t have enough time to do everything, let alone weighing your options. In wars you have to be very fast, because who moves first, attacks first or is able to move your military to safety. And if you want to play in a bigger group I had the experience it was difficult to find a date where everyone was available. In my small group we tried to play an asynchronous match with the build in feature of civ 6. It was fun, but it fell apart after some months. But the idea to try that again never left my mind.

So in October I googled to find other players for asynchronous matches and I found this site. I was hooked instantly. I told my friend @Bambus_bjoern and he signed up here, too. We can vouch for each other. He was part of the MP group that I mentioned.

We are together in two other PYDT matches. One match is also on a huge map in standard speed. But it has no rules for time like here and right now one player hasn’t made his turn for 12 days without explanation. It took him days to put himself “on vacation”. So I really appreciate you put so much effort in this match. The other match I started myself and it is going really poorly for me. I’m virtually sourrounded by a constant flow of barbarians. But I don’t intend to drop out. In another match I’m in, one player makes his turns every two days in average. So it is really dragging.

If that’s not enough for you, you can kick me out. No hard feelings.



Yes. But I’ve already started a game with a colleague to understand how the tool works (all fine by now).

  • Available workdays, between 7 GMT to 16 GMT. (The rest of the time is more random, but usually available at some point of the day)
  • No Ban (I’m ok with random)

Moreless the same history for me when I landed on PYDT, then welcome on board, I’m sure you are gonna find here very good games, and very good people to play. :smiley:

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Will you be able to handle this game in the long run, we want to make sure we don’t have leavers. Are you used to play cloud games?

every day 730-8:30 gmt

5 days out of 7:30 to 22:00 gmt

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Then we hope you enjoy this game, welcome on board. :slightly_smiling_face:

I would also like to join this
I ban Macedon.
play time: 1600 - 0800 GMT

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I’m interested.
No bans.
Play time: 15:00-24:00 GMT in general, usually more time than that.

I am in EST.

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@alexander.sessa will you ban someone?

@Ckarik, will you be able to handle this game in the long run, we want to make sure we don’t have leavers. Are you used to play cloud games?

Btw, my ban is gonna be Shaka
Playing window is: from 17 to 5 UTC

just curious:
what is the reason for these two rules?

  • No Great People for scouting or obstructing, great people must not travel outside their nations borders without the company of a military unit at most 1 tile away from him and must not be used to obstruct tiles.
  • It is prohibited to put pins in the fog of the map in order to show how big the map is and to determine your geographical position, your geographical position must be determined by scouting the map, it is not prohibited to put pins to other players to give any kind of information.

For the first one in particular, you may want to send the great merchant that grants a luxury to capital outside your borders. but this rule disallows that, which is not fair for the player getting that merchant. there are some other merchants for taking cs, adding envoy to cs, etc. that also get affected by this