12 Seats, No AI's, Shuffle, Std Speed, BBG, BBS, FFA (rules) (c4ccec3e)

Good Luck and fair play from my side, too

Discord: bambusbjoern#0058

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Happy New Year!
I hope everyone is happy with his/her civ and starting place.

discord: Phuzzy#5256


My friends, excuse me for the advertisement, I have just opened a new game to try Secret Socities in multiplayer, if someone wants to join us you are welcomed.

funny, today I played first time in a solo Game (ai only) with game modes and the Secret societies :slight_smile:

I have also played like a couple of times in solo with Secret Socities, but, as you well know, playing against humans is very different than playing vs AI, this game is for trying it in multiplayer vs other players, anyone willing to join is welcomed.

Since BBG got updated today, do we want to continue this game with live BBG (that means once in a while different things change in middle of the game) or we want to change to a static 5.2 BBG? If so, please let me know and I can switch this game BBG to static 5.2, and u need to download the static one from here:

I will delay my turn to see what we want to do

I’m fine with either, but since we have a few civs that got changed by the patch (Kongo) maybe it is for the best that we make it static now.


I vote for static

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cool. I will convert it by the end of today if I see no objection :slight_smile:

OK. I’m also voting for keeping the old BBG. Is there an official source for old versions of BBG from the developer?

Copying my message from another channel:

This dropbox folder is going to be the placeholder for static BBG releases for cloud. To install a particular version of BBG, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the particular .zip file from Dropbox
  2. Copy and Extract it into the Mods folder of where Civ 6 is installed on your system. On Windows, it should be somewhere like this: “…\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods”
  3. Restart Civ
  4. Go to Additional Content->Mods menu, and disable newly installed BBG to not conflict with real-time or other games (attached image).
  5. Load your game as usual, and play your turn. Dropbox - BBG Static Releases for Cloud - Simplify your life


no, you shouldn’t install using this because all releases on their github releases have the same modid, and that won’t help or do anything for cloud games actually.

I just submitted my turn with changing BBG to static. Let me know if you prefer not to change this and we can revert I guess. I didn’t want to hold the game for more than this.

Its ok for me to change to BBS static 5.2.11 for this game. The manual does works good, thx.

I try a new feature, and I hope all player vote :slight_smile:

  • play with static BBG 5.2.11 (download/Install see above)
  • play with the last Mod BBG 5.3
  • doesn matter, play you damn turn

0 voters

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@andrewsmart48 u want help with static BBG or there is some other reason that u cannot play ur turn?

Now the BBG version is 5.1.8 and is not working for me. I have installed the 5.1.8 from the workshop, but the game act like isn’t installed and I cannot load the save.

¿Any help?

You don’t need 5.1.8. Please uninstall that and install 5.2 static from dropbox

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Done, doing turn.

I don’t get why the save indicate the version 5.1.8 if the 5.2 is required. :S