10 Seats, No AI's, Fractal, StdSpd, BBG, BBS, MOD's, FFA (rules) (077551e5)

Welcome to the game Pete, thanks for subbing in. I’d much prefer we do find a sub for Australia too, they are in decent shape.

Except Pete, no answer on PYDT’s Discord.

Can we go like this? Let’s play.

Ok, just gonna wait till Pete actually joins to play my turn.

@Valamas did you ask for the sub of Pete?

here we go.
Please in sub Pete

Welcome @Pete

Hi All. Thanks for substituting me in :smiley:

I thought Pete was taking Maori? He’s in as Australia.

That’s fine with me but happy to change if that’s better.

sorry about that. hugely distracting weekend. I will ask support again.

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so the sub has been fixed.
Also, I think it was suggested that we could enable “Allow join after start”

So far there are no games listed with open slots, and I am wondering if the game will list there and if we can sub players in that way.
@PerroFlamer can you edit the game to enable “Join after start”

Does anyone object to a 1 day turn timer?

Naaa. I never join this 1 or 2 days timer.

You can’t have a break for 2 days then play the third day. That’s a real problem for me.

A 3 days timer is perfect. It doesn’t block the game + it doesn’t block your life :slight_smile:

PS: Or just find a sub for Perros… He has a good position in the game, easily subbable + 3 days timer.

If Perros wasn’t the creator of this game, he would have been sub (sorry for my english) a lot earlier.

A 3 day turn timer sounds good at the moment.

If someone would like to advertise for Perro’s replacement(?). I will wait a few days to request the turn timer.

Later, if Perro is not replaced, we can kick him.


Sounds good to me.

Changed my mind, kicking him.
Another - Please kick host Perroflamer

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I have set myself to be a sub and will leave in a few days.
Edit: Perro has been kicked

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You are taking over as France?

There is no one to take over France. The game can continue.

Any objections?
No trading with the AI.
Must raze AI cities.


No objections, I’m just waiting to play my turn so the AI doesn’t take France’s turn.