10 Seats, No AI's, Fractal, Std Speed, BBG, BBS, FFA if meet the rules (bb2974a8)

Hello guys,
I just wanna tell u that since @Tamil_Ronin is not moving and not responding to messages I’m already looking for a replacement. I hope that he is ok and maybe he is not moving due to job or something important in his life, if someone knows about someone that can join the game pls invite him.

Hi all, I am interessted to replace @Tamil_Ronin, if you wants.

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Here we have the proposals for this congress

Quite boring choices… Mighty America (favoured by the starting location gods) is willing to lend some votes if they help players that have fallen behind, as long as the vote isn’t strictly opposed to its interests.


America has noticed the suffering of the free people of Columbia and Scotland, and will not stand idle - it is now officially at WAR with the ragtag band of pillagers, pirates and rogue traders known as Phoenicia!


There is a problem in this game just like there is in the other 10 seats game. This time it’s asking for Better Balanced Games 5.1.5. of which there is no version.

I also have the same problem in another game I’m in where it’s asking for Better Balanced Games 5.1.7 and there is no version of that as well.

There must be a bug with the Better Balanced Games mods. Not sure how to fix it but I can’t play this turn.

You’re not part of this game so I’m confused by your post as it seems to imply you’re having the insight of loading its savegame, but in any case:

The game “requiring” 515 seems common and caused by simply not having the correct version of static BBG installed in the right place. The save file doesn’t actually want you to load that specific version, it’ll likely actually need 5.2. I don’t remember if this game is on static 5.2 or 5.3 but either way you’ll find them here:

Goes to My Documents/My Games/Civ6/Mods. Unzipped, but with the folders remaining and being named for each version (for instance a folder of “BBG5.2_StaticCloud”)

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I am in the other 10 seats game. I am Arabia.

I downloaded the files and put them in the folder you mentioned. It still doesn’t work. I already had 2 of the files, just needed BBG 5.3_StaticCloud. Any other suggestions?

did you extract the file. thats what i had missed

Yes, I extracted all the files and put them in the correct folder.

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did you disable all versions of bbg in your mods in game?

so? -->> C:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods\BBG5.3C_Static_Cloud

@andrewsmart48 I tried it with them enabled, and I tried it with them disabled. Nothing works.

@BambusBjoern I have that folder.

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i take it you have closed the game and gone back in?

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@andrewsmart48 Yes, every time. Even downloaded the game manually to see if that had anything to do with it, nothing. I deleted the BBG files, then downloaded them again. Not working.

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maybe need to raise a ticket

u can send the save file to me. I can check if I can load the game and also which BBG version u actually want.

@Calcifer I sent you the same. This is only happening in two games, both of them are the 10 Seats, no AI game. All my other games with BBG are working just fine.

Can’t load save - requires BBG 5.1.5 mod which I don’t have or in the Steam Workshop… Where can I find this mod? And is it necessary?..

You need to manually download and save the Static versions to your mods folder