Zeta (8355b5e9)


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At least itā€™s no longer silentā€¦ :slight_smile:

Well played Zarquon. Shouldā€™ve seen that coming. No great loss though as I seemed to be struggling to gain any traction with Babylon. Good luck with the test of the game. Enjoy everyone :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry @Fatusblobus, couldnā€™t pass up an opportunity for a free settlerā€¦ Chances are that I canā€™t bring it back, but feels like I have nothing to lose from trying ^^

I assumed you wouldnā€™t bother trying since you know you are in an area surrounded by mountains with only 1 exit, which I am guarding

But oh well, game on

Are you on holiday ?

Iā€™m assuming there are no restrictions on secret societies

Iā€™m just wondering because itā€™s my turn and I have 2 available and havenā€™t chosen either. I will choose one this turn, if Iā€™m breaking some rule let me know and we can revert.

There was no restriction intended, or discussed.
So I would say youā€™re good to go.

Are you on holiday ?

Gone a week now.
Any Sightings ?

Iā€™m in another game with him and heā€™s been gone 94 hours in that one

Anyone know of any potential replacements ?

I suggest kicking him and replacing him with AI. I have subbed few times and it wasnā€™t very rewarding. I donā€™t sub anymore.

250+ hours. Kick him and replace with AI.

A bit busy today. Will advertise for replacement tonight and simply kick to ai if no responders.

Sorry, busier than i thought. Ceryn and I have advertised, with no response yet.
I will give it another day or two - as replacement is best long term option - then kick.

Are you Lambo from discord ?
Did you want to join?

OK. I just made a request to sub in matt_lambert.

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Thanks, glad to be here.

Sorry to see Dim4anskii depart, happy to see Matt Lambert arrive.

Good luck.

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