Valamas' Your Victory - Always War - Friendly Rules - DB Gold (e9113ead)

Smack talk goes here for Your Victory - Always War - Friendly Rules - DB Gold! Game URL:

Here are the main differences. Other rules in the screenshots should be self explanatory.

All Cities Like Sugar

Water Mill: Food on Farms

Builders Can Build Roads

Better Roads


Monuments: No Culture

Pantheon Obelisk

Remove Condemn Heretic - Military Units cannot condemn heretic
Weak Martyrs - Combat strength reduced from 100 to 10.
No Religious Sea Spies - Religious units can only enter water tiles if adjacent to a naval unit. Otherwise, they die at the end of the turn.
Inquisitors: Don’t Need An Inquisition
Inquisitors: Purchased from Shrines
Inquisitors: Only 1 Cleanse

Loyalty Matters

Battle Notifications
Trees Hide Units
No Bad Huts
Balanced Walls

Engineers Can Rush Walls
Siege Units: No Extra Movement

Remove Eurekas
Science Per Population 0.25 (down from 0.5)
Remove Inspirations
Culture Per Population 0.25 (down from 0.5)

Remove Government Plazas




im having trouble loading the save file, it keeps telling me there is an issue with mods

I have double checked I have them all, and tried having all mods disabled when booting. has anyone else had this issue?

Are you using the older DB Gold version? The new one has had this issue.

there is only one version on steam, is there an archived version somewhere?

Check under the discussions tab @DB’s Gold.

Previous Versions is pinned there. Version 22 works.

So I have been playing around with this, and I can get the specified mods to work together when I set them up myself. I have reverted the turn back to see if its some other sort of bug, but not sure what else to try

OK, we are away. Points to @dand4444 for the old version of the DB Gold mod suggestion, that seemed to fix it

@dand4444 can you link to the old DB Gold discussion? I can’t find it and I can’t get the game to load. Thanks.

There is another for editing the file. I can’t find it quickly.

This one?
Holy Land (edbbd8b2) - #29 by harre

Adding -- on two lines.

This is the error I’m getting. I have disabled Sukritact’s Ocean mod so that is not the problem. Any idea what I’m missing? Or is this part of DB’s gold mod?

Have you downloaded the mod: Sukritact’s Resources?

I just got it. I didn’t see it on the list of mods for this game, I must have missed it.

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Ok, new problem. I have never seen a screen like this before. I can’t settle my city, I can’t show any tile yield, I can’t see what civ I am, I can’t even exit the game! I press every key on my keyboard and nothing happens. I can’t scroll left or right. Anybody have any ideas?

I have the error starting game panel as above.

I have made the changes recommended by Dan, and the edit #29 mentioned by Harre.

What do you mean by edit 2 lines?
I only needed to add “–” to one line to mirror the layout in the post.

I had to add -- on two lines like above.

@zarquonwhereareyou - Please send me your save in Discord and I will see if I too have that same problem with the interface.

Hmmm. Arithmetic.Counting attribute reacquired…