The very fast ffa game! (652a3e88)

Sorry about that vacation mode debacle. I very rarely go on these types of vacations, but next time I will allot enough time to actually figure out how to use Vacation mode. I didn’t anticipate an issue and then when I ran into one, I didn’t have the time to figure it out before leaving.

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Less smack talk apologies and more turn playing

I should have also said as part of my apology that I was loading my turn.

great! welcome back! @Zeta would you please turn the Timer back on? thanks

timer replaced guys, next time I will be resilient in taking it off again stay tuned…

@Zeta, the game skipped my turn even though i’m in vacation mode

Turn Timer Vacation Mode Behavior: Turn is skipped at end of timer

can you please change this so it won’t skip the turns e revert the game back to me, please?

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can I have the turn reverted? I am without wifi in my new place until I am off work and playing turns on my hotspot.

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sorry. Had internet issues.