The very fast ffa game! (652a3e88)

hey everyone. @otrokoo didn’t reply about discord and skipped his first turn. maybe we should call in for a sub? if he really is gone (i can’t tag him here, as if his nickname is gone), it would be bad for whoever subs in to miss the first turns. just as bad if we have to revert many turns.
@Daethern was interested, maybe he can join in?
I vote to sub as soon as possible, what say you guys?

I’m in another game with him which he played today about 6 hours ago.

can you ask him why he doesn’t play this one?

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I’ve asked.

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guys i’m going to revert the turn for [BKR] Daethern to sub otrokooo

that’s fair

No reply.
And he’s set up another new game.
Worth noting that both the original one I’m in with him and the new one are both Vanilla ruleset…

not a problem if he didn’t want or couldn’t play without mods. the problem is disrespecting everyone else, letting us wait with no replies.
I left a message for anyone who might be interested in playing with him :slight_smile:
anyways, enough about this guy!
good luck, everyone! have fun and stay away from my settlers!!

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you mean my settlers :wink:

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You mean MY settlers

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I’m leaving on a cruise tomorrow morning and returning Friday next week.

Nice! Please set your profile on “Vacation Mode” and have loads of fun!
Cheers, mate!

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to set vacation mode.

Civ 5 / 6 / Beyond Earth / Old World Asynchronous Multiplayer (PBEM) | Play Your Damn Turn ; tick the box that says “Vacation Mode”, above “Time Zone”.
But I guess you might already be gone for the cruise :grimacing:

I may be brain damaged or something, but I don’t have any boxes to tick above timezone in the preferences.

step by step:

  1. go to pydt website

  2. go to Your Profile tab

  3. on the right side, tick the Vacation Mode box (see the image below)

  4. click Submit

That should do it!

I suppose @Monoxide has already departed and is now more worried about what to drink next than to setting vacation mode on :slight_smile:
@Zeta would you be a dear and remove the game timer while he’s off? He should be back by 21st.

all right

@Monoxide tell when you’l be back