Tequila (7da235ff)

Smack talk goes here for Tequila! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/7da235ff-4532-4b63-922c-a1f381921a8c

Give it a go. See how the starts workout.

Not the best starting position but that should make it fun. What is the map type?

Fantastical with wrap. Hopefully a bit more temperate than we have been doing.

I will share settings when I have a chance. Had issues getting it to run for no particular reason.

This is wrong. I just met my neighbor - Ozy.

Welp, want to restart? Only 3 turns in. Or we can continue, your call.

No, its just not normal. :slight_smile:

Was that no, you don’t want to restart?
Or no, you don’t want to continue ?
Or, your neighbour Ozy is not normal?

I just realised on the last turn, that it looks like 2000 turns or so before i get to modify my policy options…
My start is not awful, but not so endearing that I am desperate not to restart.

I will be having an operation on the 17th.

No, I was not asking for a restart. I am just used to having Dogboy for a neighbor. Maybe the neighborhood has improved, though I doubt it. It looks a bit cozy though.

Pacemaker lead replaced apparently successfully.
With consent discussion, post-op monitoring, scans and injections I was in all day.
£25 parking charge…outrageous.

Glad to hear! Too bad they don’t validate parking.

That’s great!

I think we are at about turn 83. War at 100?

Sounds good to me. I’m so hemmed in I need to build troops and go to war.


Yea, no point in meeting a growth target in this one.

Turn 477 is 100, we are at 462. Declare at 477, as I am first I will undoubtedly forget, so I will apologize in advance.

Just a heads up…
I am planning on taking a break from starting any new games for a few months - let’s say until early November. Will continue with existing games, and not planning to give up altogether, but I feel I could do with a short term change of pace.
Hope this is ok.

No problem, whatever you need. These are games and supposed to be fun.

This one you should have said something. Didn’t know you were boxed in like that.

In one of the others Dog has run over my warriors with his Modern Armor so that shouldn’t last too long.

I am out for 3 weeks in a week so I do not need to start anything for a while anyway. Expecting a new member of the clan shortly.