Suigintou's game! (f4694436)

Smack talk goes here for Suigintou’s game!! Game URL:

I’m going to manually start this game this afternoon - Suigintou didn’t set an email address and it doesn’t seem like they’re ever coming back to start the game.

There’s a lot of people in here without email addresses set - i’m going to give about 24 hours per user to play their first turn and then kick, hopefully we can get this game started… :confused:

game not uploading revert

Thanks, KngD - I think there’s a bug in the surrender logic, which screwed up the turn flow of this game, but your save was uploaded correctly and I manually advanced the turn. I’ll look into it more in the morning.

I’m going to have to kick adycc if they don’t play their turn today - everyone make sure you have email notifications set to be notified about turns, or install the client. Thanks!