Strict 24-7 V5.0 Gathering Storm + Everything edition (204767e3)

Smack talk goes here for Strict 24-7 V5.0 Gathering Storm + Everything edition! Game URL:

Me please!

Count me in, too. Thanks!

Game details:

We’re a bunch of game devs who have been running successful PYDT games for well over a year now. We’ve hit upon a formula to ensure compelling games with a strict 24-7 rule. We have a core of 5 players but would like to open the games up to more similar minded players. All welcome. Just stick to the rules and try to be nice and active. We have a discord channel you can join which we use quite a lot for game chat. Once we get this game started we’ll start two more for both expansions.

This game is: Gathering Storm + Everything plus free Yet (not) Another Maps Pack mod which you can get from Steam Workshop.

Reply here if you want to join and I will send you the password.

Heyo peeps! Ready to get smacked :slight_smile:

That’s a +2 for me and @Zamalekite

Check your messages! :slight_smile:

Hey guys

I’d love to join this!

Yo! Please can I have the last space!? I’m super reliable!

I’ve added another place to the game due to popular demand.

Hi everyone! I’m recruiting for a 3x3x3x3 Team game!

See details here:

If 3 of you want to join as a team message on that game thread or via Discord.

Last turn 1 day 19 hours ago? What’s going on?

yeah I thought this was a strict 24/7 game.

And if he plays his turn now his average will be above 10 hours per turn.

What are you doing joining an 11 player game that’s called strict 24/7 when you obviously CAN’T play your turn within that time limit. Join other games, don’t join this one.

Congrats on the medieval win @temp !

Thanks. I guess I will leave a screenshot here: