Road to the future (a087f835)

Smack talk goes here for Road to the future! Game URL:

Here is the chat: PYDT talks

If you are already on PYDT talks discord, you already have the role.

Hello and welcome to this new game leading to the future.

You can vote for the maps and more here:

@andrewsmart48 Can you come with us on PYDT talks ?

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@andrewsmart48 do you want to ban a Civ?


@dand4444 Welcome Dan! Wanna join us on Discord? It is easier to talk.

Which civilization do you want to ban? (1)

You can vote for the map and more here:

I will get there. I am on the road now and having issues with it.

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Missing 3 bans:

Actual bans:
-Autoban: Kupe
-Volks: Russia
-Hugollum: Tomiris
-StehanosG: Cree
-Andrew: Babylon
-Kapshul: Colombia
-Catalpa: Dido
-Manoir: Spain

Missing: @dand4444 @mon0xide (can’t tag you…) and @Ashurbanpial

Missing on Discord:

Actual bans:
-Autoban: Kupe
-Volks: Russia
-Hugollum: Tomiris
-StehanosG: Cree
-Andrew: Babylon
-Kapshul: Colombia
-Catalpa: Dido
-Manoir: Spain
-CMT: Shaka

I would like to start the draft soon to launch the game before holidays (with no timer for vacations, it’s Christmas!).


I urgently need your Civ

@Volks -Pachacuti -Wilhelmina -Trajan -Hojo Tokimune
@dand4444 -Ba Trieu -Menelik II -Nzinga Mbande -Amanitore

Ba Trieu

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Seems Andrew is having PC problems and has skipped twice now… Should we hold the timer for him? @andrewsmart48 Any idea how long till you get it sorted?

He’s been having problems for months. Additionally, he continues to sign up for two new games.

There’s a moment he needs to stop.

The best I can do is to open is seat to subs.

It says his last turn played was 15 days ago, not ‘months’. He wasn’t having problems before that in other games I am in with him.

He had PC problems in September last year as well for a month

You can’t play multiplayer games and expect that everyone will wait for you for months + when you have problems to play, you stop subscribing to new games.

We have to say stop and if not we, I say stop.

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It depends on his situation, if he is in fact irresponsibly joining games that he knowingly cannot commit his time to then I agree with you… If this is some problem that he could not have foreseen then I think we could be more understanding. I share your frustration with slow play and respect your decision to look for a sub.

I create a game every month and even when he has problems to play, he joins new games.

Look at his number of game and how many people see their games stuck because of one person.

That 2 reasons for me that are good enough to find subs. The first 1 is the one that make me take the decision to try to find subs. I am feeling like he doesn’t care about others… He know that he has problems but he continues to subscribe to new games… Na! Stop this. 43+ games… Who can manage this with a broken computer? That’s not serious or respectful.

I am really sorry for him but no, this must stop. It started at least in November, maybe October.

Attention fellow players!

I thoroughly enjoy Leugi’s Monopoly mod that we are using in this game, but I have noticed, in another game where it is used, the following bug:

The improvement Transnational Company will always grant its luxury resource (and all benefits in general) to the host of the game, not the player who builds it.

Therefore, do not plan your industries/corporations/etc. around the idea that a Transnational Company will help you! Feel free to plan your Stations, however, it’s very entertaining.