Smack talk goes here for Rise and fall, no other DLC - Duel pangaea, packed with 4 players! Game URL:
You’re up, ajblaj… gogogo
BobReman everything okay? You have been stalling three games for 3 days now!
Hi - sorry for the delay. Was on a business trip in the US (I’m from Europe) and after landing going more or less straight on a 800km trip by car to visit family. Sorry!
no problem just post something next time and it’s alright RL should always have priority ofc!
I have just reverted my turn. I simply cannot submit my current turn. Both the website, and the windows-client reports an error with my save. I tried multible times with the same result
Oh boy. After reverting and even trying to play this turn a bit differently (just in case) … I still get this errormessage from the PYDT client: “Incorrect player turn in save file! This probably means it is still your turn and you have some more moves to make!”
What do I do?
Aha! I found the problem.
After doing my turn - the save filename was PERICLES (me) - not the next player’s name. So I loaded that save, and sure enough: Now another of my units were active, and needed to get instructions. After this I could submit the save without error.
So after all - I guess this issue was just me being new to PYDT. Sorry for the hassle
jvanheycop, did I set you up on settler level, while everyone else is/was prince?! crazy!
ah i figured there was something like that in play. GG anyway, you put up a hell of a fight!
GG - it was fun. … and painful
See you in the next game