Random game (51fb0cb8)

Smack talk goes here for Random game! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/51fb0cb8-e009-4771-bc2e-deee8519502b

So we have: Selezin - India, Turnquest - Aztec, tomisbo - Arabia, kombinat13 - Rome, Fobok - Sumeria.
Five strong civilization are randomly. Good game. I wish good luck everyone

Yeah, good luck everybody!!!

hi … i have a short trip on this weekend … i come back on sunday.

I have to remove Fobok. Warning me if you away to long time.

Sorry, I was in the hospital and my iPad browser really did not agree with the forum software here. I had no idea what other way to contact you.

I am not able to load the save file. This must be because of the update. Unfortunately, I only have access to a Mac right now, and the update for Mac is not available yet. I will be able to play on a PC in about a week, if the Mac update has not arrived before that.

I will be on vacation 7-10 days.
I can not play in this period.

My PC died on me the other day, and I am not sure when I will get it back. Feel free to kick me if you need to go on with the game, otherwise I will continue playing as soon as I get it back. Sorry about this.