Otrokooo's game! (4bb84cea)

Smack talk goes here for otrokooo’s game!! Game URL: otrokooo's game! | Civilization 6 | Play Your Damn Turn

It looks like this is your first time hosting a game, welcome!

:spiral_notepad: How to create your PYDT game

:tv: See a quick youtube video of PYDT

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When will this start

As far as I can see we are waiting for one additional player, so if you join it can start.

@mkappelm, do you plan to play this game or should we sub you?

Try to get a sub for him. He can’t get it to play,

Hello, I have taken over Sumeria.

Welcome, have fun!

Otrokooo, we were wondering why your turn was skipped on the very fast ffa game - as it was the first turn of the game.

The very fast ffa game! - BBG BBM | Civilization 6 | Play Your Damn Turn

Hey @matt_lambert I have to apologize, I am new to this, had some issues with computer and was also not able to reply here. I am also new to discord. As you see I have played other games, but that particular game I was unable to play because of some issues with mods. I think I know managed to figure out everything to avoid such issues.

Religious victory

Well played!
