New Agamemnon's Large Multiplayer short turn timer (bca0486e)

Smack talk goes here for New Agamemnon’s Large Multiplayer short turn timer! Game URL: New Agamemnon's Large Multiplayer short turn timer | Civilization 5 | Play Your Damn Turn

Any reason why Start Bias would be disabled? I am Polynesia and have not spawned on the coast…

No I didnt set anything other than random leaders

Okay, maybe I’ll find the sea in a turn or two.

I’ll be away from day 9 to 12 this month. Please excuse my delay on the mean time.

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Ive changed game admin to allow for vacations.

Had to revert the turn. last save for corupted. could load in on two different devices.

All I keep getting this when I try to load this game only? Anyone have any ideas?

Screenshot 2023-10-17 094705

Only happens on this game? This is pretty odd. Are your video drivers updated?

Yeah I updated them, did the visual basic app repairs nothing. I’ll let my go get skipped and maybe on the way back round it might work.

I’m having issues with this game too. Everything else working fine for me in Civ V but this one just won’t load at all.

I’m getting the same error.

Can we revert to the first turn and start a new save?

any ideas?

I can’t revert but I can clone the game. I’ll do that.

Clonig error and can’t revert after 2 turns.
I’m going to set a new gome up from scratch.