Medieval Builder 100-Turn Score Rush (158a25e5)

@Bliss can you get your turn in?

@Bliss Dude, are you OK? Time to #playyourdamnturn

yep, on a bussines trip!

Nice. Do that business!

Nice! Install Civ on that laptop :stuck_out_tongue:

@Sledge_Poteet in your own words, ā€œLetā€™s Play!ā€

canā€™t, itā€™s company laptop. I only have a Desktop currently.

I get it. though I have taken my workstation on vacation with me before ā€“ I have issues :crazy_face:

Hah! Sorry! First week back at school so things have been a bit chaotic.
Taking care of it RIGHT NOW!

Go ahead and get that good book learninā€™ @Sledge_Poteet :laughing: and donā€™t be like my college roommate who stayed up all night playing Sega Genesis and lost his full scholarship and got kicked out of University.

OK. It looks like BLISS has pulled out of all their games, leaving us with a Babylonian bot.
I think we are long past the 100 turns and Iā€™ve satisfied myself that Brazil, alone on the American continent and given Sacred Path pantheon is able to out-settle pretty much anyone. Though I wonder if a Russia with Dance of the Aurora woudl give some challenge. Probably!
Anyway, if you guys want to keep going, Iā€™m happy to keep playing, but Iā€™m equally content to call this one done.

As long as you start a new game I can replace this one with. If you do, I recommend having a time limit on the turn with skip on vacations. Announce it so people donā€™t join who know they cannot commit. Iā€™ve had several games go bad because of this. Been waiting 28 days with no communication from the player in another game!

This game is over. My only hope is to take over the bot-nation. I concede.

I would be happy to play with you both again in a new game.

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Thanks LonExStaR. I agree. I think weā€™re done here.

Iā€™ve got another game idea that Iā€™m working on, but itā€™s not ready to go yet. Once itā€™s up, Iā€™ll let you guys know.


reach me on Discord: lonestar134

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