MaxWar's test game (52a9e441)

Smack talk goes here for MaxWar’s test game! Game URL:

Thank you so much!

Lets play just 2 or 3 turns, see perhaps this is the issue.

If that works, I will try second turns with the mods still disabled to validate. Then I will activate the mods for turn 3

Well this sucks :worried: Same thing again, same error message as in the other games

Tell me you have an idea or something, I really want to play against real people, not against the AI.

Are you one PC or MAC ? My game version is - You need to have the same version for it to work. Hopefully you should be able to have this version even if you don’t have the latest DLCs.

OR maybe you are missing another DLC and we did not notice ? Edit - Although this does not sound right as we have the same problem with the game you created yourself.

The DLC you allowed I do have. I am on PC and my game version is

This is old, try to download the latest CIV vi update.

Where from?

How did you purchase the game ? Digital retail platforms should have an option to update your games. Steam keeps mine updated automatically.

Game was in my laptop when i bought it. I dont know about its provenance.

Well, that is sketchy. Might as well be a pirate version.

Well thats not good.

Sounds like you would need to purchase a legit version of the game. You might try to contact support on the official civ VI website and ask them if they can help you authentify your game. But since you did not purchase a licence yourself, i think it won’t help you even if the game was originally purchased legally and was not pirate version initially.

Alright. Thank you! I will withdraw from those two games, hope you find someone to take my place. At least the game I created is open for subs.