Make last turn-time categories to be "< 3 days" and "> 3 days" instead of "< 4 days" , "< 7 days", "> 1 week"

A turn-time of 3 days is considered by most players the maximum delay they are willing to accept.

  • On CPL the maximum allowed turn-time is 2 days.

Therefore, there’s no need to see data for turn-times which took 4-to-7 days or more than 1 week.

  • The “> 1 week” ones are so rare, anyway, that in some graphs you can’t even see the data clearly.

I propose to:

  • add “< 3 days” and “> 3 days”
  • remove “< 4 days” , “< 7 days”, “> 1 week”
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I cant agree with removing part.
However, can recommend showing checkboxes for columns.
So user can choose which columns is sensitive for his opinion.