LET'S GO! (257d9d79)

That sounds very odd. Yes, it’s obviously not ideal but fine by me.

I’m fine either way

Ok, I can confirm that on turn 77 I had all my units, on turn 78 there were all gone. Can we revert to turn 77 please?

Also turn 77 was the one when I have been skipped, so I guess that AI deleted my units indeed

I’ll wait for the turns to be reverted then.

Alright, if we all agree, help me out with this because I have never reverted: Do I download the Turn 77 file, take my turn, and save, will this complete the rollback? Or is there another method.

I will mention again, we all signed up for this fast turn timer and we did make the change to not skip on vacation. If you think you’re not going to be able to make your turn in the allotted time, then set yourself to Vacation Mode to afford yourself a little more time to avoid the skip. But be respectful of the point of the turn timer so the game pace does not degrade.


I’ve only ever reverted 1 turn so don’t know but your suggestion makes sense. I agree with your point about the timer. Trust this will be a one off.

I see the Revert 1 Turn button. @slane Do you know how to revert more than one turn? Please investigate.

I have no idea how to do it.

I’m asking on PYDT Discord. I’ll let you know if a get some info.

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my bad @slane . I intended that request to be for matmer.

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@LonExStaR I was recommended to ask for support on forum, here is the ticket:

@LonExStaR just keep reverting

Ok. That seemed to work. You probably received a bunch of messages as I reverted the turns back to the start of Round 77. I am starting my turn 77 again now.

Thanks a lot guys

No worries. I had no idea that AI would make stupid decisions like deleting units when I set the timer/skip-turn option. I still like the idea of a timer, but may have to rethink how it is applied for future games.

Hey @Osprey I thought that deal was a one off…not for 30 turns :astonished:

Hm what will we do? I don’t think we can cancel it?

I’ll make a proposal in the game :thinking: