LET'S GO! (257d9d79)

Smack talk goes here for LET’S GO!!! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/257d9d79-1503-47e2-8f36-470f75b7851d

And, here we GO! This is my first time hosting, so hopefully I got it set up correctly.


I saw a couple of turns got skipped. This is the first time I put a turn-timer on a game. So I wanted to ask if a 1.5 day limit too much to ask? It’s gone well until a couple of skips just in the past couple of turns.

Also, what happens when a player is skipped in PYDT/Hotseat? Do their current builds and science/civic projects advance? Do units still move along pre-established routes? Will the next build in queue begin building if when the last build completes? Etc…

I am wondering if you can set yourself for all your next few moves should you know a skip is necessary in the future.

The turn timer length is fine for me. If you know you’re going to be unavailable to take turns just turn on Vacation setting and the game will pause until you’re back (if that’s the setting you choose in the game parameters). I’m happy to wait for players so don’t mind if the timer is removed.
As far as I know, when your turn is skipped, the AI takes your turn for you and it can alter any of your decisions such as unit movement, production queues and so on. And we all know how bad AI choices can be, especially in combat. So you never want your turn skipped. That’s why I’m happy to wait for players to take their turns because a bad AI decision can really affect the game.

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Thanks for the feedback. That helps me to understand the impact of skipped turns better. It was not my intent for a player to be penalized for a skipped turn and definitely would not want the quality of the game to be severely impacted.

I do have skip even if on vacation enabled. Based on your feedback, I still think I would like to incentivize players to take their turns every 1.5 days as slow players have severely degraded the quality of games I have played recently. However, I would definitely consider allowing for vacation mode if I can change it mid-game.

But, I will wait to hear from others before attempting to change setting to see how they feel about it.

i think i would like to see the game pause on vacation mode, but it’s not a big deal either way

I have changed the setting to pause the game while on vacation.

Sorry @Pete. I saw your turn was skipped due to vacation. I hope this does not cause a problem, but it should pause your next turn until you return from vacation.

Hopefully the game will pause for @Pete now.

So the AI did exactly as I suggested and made a stupid decision that’s critical to my plans. Can we revert to the skipped turn, please?!

I have no problem with that if others do not. I just have to figure out the right way to do it.

However, I will say, skipping on vacation was stated at the start of the game and we all signed up to it.

i’m ok with whatever

I’m ok with whatever too

OK. Given the point about having accepted the original game rules I have taken my turn.

Sorry for the delay.

No worries Pete. It seems we all love having the opportunity to play this great game with others and want to be sure the experience is fair, in the good spirit of competition, and enjoyable for all. This is a good group of Civ VI players we have here! I hope this is not the last game that we play together.


@Osprey with a surprise war declaration against Portugal!

@matmer, any chance you’d be willing to help Portugal? We desire peace on our shared continent.

I can’t atm sadly, I’m friends with both of you

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Guys, right now I don’t know how many turns I passed with this happening, but all my military units seem to have dissapeared.

If I remember correctly I had 2 men-at-arms, some archers and 1 crossbow. The only reason I can think of is that AI deleted my units when it took control some turns ago.

The question is, can we revert some turns to see where did this happen? I know that @Osprey and @slane are now at war and that means rerolling some combat, but without my former accumulated military power I cannot stay competitive.

I hope you can understand

Peteyboy is at war with me.

I’d prefer to not roll back, but that does sound significant so I’m ok if that’s what the group decides. do you know what turn was skipped?