Let's Do the Time Warp Again: DB Gold game (9168f5b7)

Under DB’s gold mod. Under the Economic Options. The first tab titled “Learn from other civs” is checked. That means if another civ already knows a tech or civic that you don’t have then it’s faster for you to research it. If multiple civs know the tech or civic it’s even faster. Just look at the next tech or civic to research and look for the portraits of everybody who knows it. The purpose is so people don’t get too far behind. It’s no fun to attack somebody with tanks and bombers and they are defending with pikemen and crossbowmen.

Ok, makes sense, thanks.

I’m running a test game with the same settings as this one. I can’t find a way to see how many diplomatic victory points I have. Any suggestions?

sorry @geoffgreene511, but I felt compelled to take your settler. that territory is essential to me, as I have statue of Zeus pantheon. I hope that we can avoid an all-out war, which would impoverish the both of us while our competitors progress.

It is what it is. My settler was protected by a unit, but a barbarian killed the unit which made the settler open. An all-out war is not off the table. The Roman Empire is not concerned with impoverishing it’s people. It will just make slaves of the conquered. Perhaps returning the settler will appease my people.

I am not apposed in principle to returning your settler, but I’d have to get a lot for it. I don’t have the turn open and I don’t have a screenshot, so I am not sure what I would ask for in return. Please post a screen shot of the territory between us if you can, or I will.

@DogBoy511 It’s my turn. I opened it and made a screenshot, then I closed it without taking any actions.

I will walk the settler back to your territory for you to retake IF you promise not to move any settlers or units other than scouts on the concave side of the yellow line, or onto the tiles marked in a red dots, for 30 turns, that is, until turn 150.

Sorry for the “legalese” but I’ve made deals like this before only to have them breakdown due to a difference in interpretation.

@OtherRealisms it’s a deal. Move the settler back.

Hey, i am really sorry but i will leave the game. I rarely find the time to play. In addition, my desktop client wont work anymore since the update. Ive tried reinstalling etc… it just wont work anymore. Thats why i decided to terminate my games. Greetings and all the best, ysubmarine

Hold on, if you haven’t left yet @ysubmarine we can still find someone to sub for you. This would be ideal, and the PYDT website should allow for automatically subbing in a new player. Just hold on when it’s your turn and I should be able to handle it.

Well, it looks like I was too late. @matt_lambert please hold this turn while I look for a sub for @ysubmarine . Thanks!


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I need to lighten my load. I am resigning.

I have bad news. My laptop is unrepairable. Turns out there was damage to the motherboard, video card, and power supply. I can’t afford a new computer right now and won’t be returning to Civ6. Hope to see y’all in Civ7 next year. Feel free to replace me in game.

Time warp