Krosancolossus's game! (57ebd9e8)

Smack talk goes here for krosancolossus’s game!! Game URL:

didn’t know we were going to need extra mods for this game!
oasis caravanserai?

hey guys, i’m getting this error when loading the file:

All my other games work fine. I’ll revert the turn and see if that solves it.

Hmm, that is strange, I haven’t see that one before?

I’m getting the same error.

Theres been a couple of patches lately. I’ll see if it will let me extended the turn timer so we can let it settle

That was easy. Should mean there’s no stress now. Try it again in a day or two?

Still the same.

I’m still getting the same error.

maybe reverse until someone can unlock it

Turn reverted. Let me know how you get on! None of my other games have this issue

I had no problems with turn etc.

Worked. No problem.

Hey Dan, are you still with us? Been near ten days?

hey @krosancolossus, really sorry about the delay… reality hit hard and i haven’t been able to play or find any subs for me.
Do you guys want to try to find someone to enter my place or should I let the AI take my place?
Sadly I’ll have to leave all my games, sorry guys.
Let me know how you want to do. cheers.

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@danlmartins No worries! I hope everything is OK mate, it’s just a video game at the end of the day. I’ll sub you out, and see if anyone’s in the queue.

All the best

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So don’t Play My Damn Turn just yet…?

@matt_lambert no feel free to carry on - it has subbed in AI

Getting an “incorrect turn” error. Will revert one

Hi @matt_lambert , you’ve been getting that laptop repaired for a while now, are you rejoining us?