High Seas Piracy (cd52983c)

Yeah right. I believe the expression is - don’t get mad, get even or better.

My Battle of the Bismark has turned from certain victory to defeat.

Valamas - That promotion couldn’t have come at a better time. Unfortunately, my Bismark has no air cover and may endure the same fate. We shall see.

Mea culpa. I owe the game 2 DOWs.

Admiral Graf Spee

We survive for now, but the ship is listing.

I don’t understand how you (LongShip) were able to pass my Galley.

This isn’t in the Civploedia

I don’t know, it let me past you. But now I see there is probably no way out of this.

I concede, being stuck on an island before embark was the killer. Thanks for the game.

GG Valamas. Ya, you got stuck in a tough position. Thanks for sticking in so long.

I will let you know when I start the next one.

Ozy, I captured your capital. All that’s left is capturing a few more cities. Feel free to surrender if you want. Or stay in until the end. Thanks for sticking in for so long.

GG. Well played.