[FIXED] Sorry we ran into an error when editing game

Title pretty much, started a red death game, kicked it off so I people could join, then realized I forgot to allow people to join after starting. Tried editing it, and now ever page has a spinning PYDT logo and an error screen that says “sorry we ran into an error” that isn’t clickable.

Thanks - seems there’s some issues with joining a game in progress where you don’t have standard civs. I fixed the immediate bug causing the crash, but I’m not sure people are actually going to be able to join the game because of another bug that might take me a bit longer to fix.

I went ahead and put in another quick fix, users should be able to join it now.

thank you so much, I really appreciate all the work you do. My only unfortunate problem is that it’s been hung on this screen since I tried to edit it last night, and I don’t know how to fix it.

game info is Civ 5 / 6 / Beyond Earth / Old World Asynchronous Multiplayer (PBEM) | Play Your Damn Turn if that helps.

refreshing doesn’t help?

nope, the loading/processing spinning logoin the middle of the screen stays there after a refresh. normally I’d just delete it and start a new one, but can’t get to the delete button.

no, you need to get a new version of the PYDT web app and it should be fine, i don’t know why it’s not updating - try going to the pydt home page and refreshing

I’m seeing an issue with the deployment, let me fix that first and I’ll let you know when to try again. Sorry!

OK, i think i cleaned up the deploy so hopefully you’ll be able to get the new version now - try going to the homepage and refreshing, and if all else fails you can try clearing your cache.

For some reason chrome just couldn’t figure it out, but swapped to Firefox and it was instantly better. Thanks for the assistance.