[FIXED] Client and Website Stopped Working for Me Only

Anytime I try to view my profile or sign in through steam on the website it doesn’t work

I get ‘error’ ‘sorry we ran into an error’ over and over again. I can’t long in on the computer I play on. My phone also seems to be having issues. my laptop at work seemed to work, but I can’t get it to work where I need it. Nobody else in our game seems to be having issues. the token I see on the site via my phone browser won’t work with the app, so for now my turns are dead in the water.



I also get this error, but nothing bad happens after it. I mean I was able to start a game and upload a save file.
I uploaded it and then saw this error, but the save file was uploaded anyway.
I am on Firefox/Mac in case you also have a similar setup.

This started from today after the latest update. It wasn’t happening before

There was a bug with the new chart code and games that weren’t full, I just put out a fix for that, but I’m not seeing any other problems. I tried logging out and back in and that seemed to work OK, hopefully the chart bug was causing what you were seeing.

I am on Chrome, but I tried it in Edge and Mozilla as well. Windows 11. I tried again this morning just now and same issue.

For some reason this computer and my phone will not allow me to load the pages or ‘sign in through steam’. I tried again this morning and got the same thing. I tried clearing all cookies/site data on chrome and when I click ‘sign in through steam’ I get the same error and nothing happens. Same on Mozilla, same on edge, same in incognito.

Feels like I’m the only one in our group of 4 or 5 with the issue though.

A friend was able to use my token to log into the client on their computer, but my computer will not behave with the client, or the website. It’s a datapoint, but it may not be a useful one.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure I have any more ideas - there was a bug on the website yesterday that might have caused something similar to what you’re seeing in your first screenshot, but it should be fixed now. There were no changes to the client. I’m guessing it’s something with your machine, especially since you can use your token on another computer.

More screenshots would be helpful, especially of the browser/client developer tools console.

Thanks for looking into it. I have a development. I believe it’s related to my network.

My phone works on Cellular/LTE. My desktop doesn’t work on Wi-Fi, but works when I tether it to my phone. Nothing works on my Wi-Fi, client or web browsers.

Is there a port or communication protocol that might be being blocked by a security update in my ASUS router? I have had Asus push definitions randomly and brick the router itself for a few days in the past.


I was able to set a DMZ and turn off firewall on my Router and it seemed to allow the connection. I’d prefer to turn that stuff on in the long term if I can figure out what it was blocking. With a DMZ/firewall off and a WI-FI restart, I was able to connect normally. I can only assume I got a security update pushed to my router by ASUS and it started blocking some communication that makes PYDT and the Steam Sign On all handshake correctly.

I think the bug still happens if its turn 1 and only host has played the game, and there is no data for the other players yet.

I put in a couple more checks for missing data, hopefully that’ll clear it up.