[FIXED] Allow host to download the 1st uploaded save

It would be great if the host could download the 1st uploaded save.

  • When checking for a technical remap, it matters where the 1st settler was spawned.

Currently, any round 1 save becomes unavailable once the game is in round 4+

Here’s what a Technical Remap means:

  • On Pangaea, Highlands, and Seven Seas, a remap is automatically granted if you cannot settle 3 additional cities (Type of housing on the tile does not matter i.e. off water cities do count) within 5 tiles of the tile your starting settler spawns on (must be accessible without crossing water, mountains Including moving around mountains), or other blocking feature/terrain).
  • On all other maps a remap is automatically granted if you cannot settle 2 additional cites before the Shipbuilding technology is researched."

I’ve added some code to always keep the first save when clearing out old saves.

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@mrosack , how can that first save be accessed?

The standard way, it will only work going forward.

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