FFA 8 players - All DLCs + BBG + BBS + 3 light mods (52d45678)


Alright I tried and still no one, Iā€™m going to continue this game with the AI

Alright, so what the hell is up with the City State parking an archer on a Goody Hut forever? Anyone seen that before? Weird AI.

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I waited a few turns for that then sent my scout elsewhere. I have an industrial era game where barb slingers and warriors are surrounded by CS ironmen and archers and none of them ever move.

Yeah weirdā€¦ see it too

tempted to suzerain and levy just to get it to move.

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Hi everyone,
Do you still need a replacement?

What do you guys think? I canā€™t see where the AI is. Is it playable?
@OtherRealisms @Nuts @HappyCamper @matt_lambert @Tamil_Ronin @StefanosG

If we have a replacement for the AI, we should let him play. Subs are hard to get.



Whatā€™s going on with this game?

Should we add a time limit? We can start small like 3 days so there is plenty of time

I vote against time limits.

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Alright, what can we do then? Boot the player?
Itā€™s been a more than a month now.

pretty sure @Tamil_Ronin the dude weā€™re waiting for has been kicked from other games for being inactive

vote we try and find a sub on the discord

Aw wow, yeah if possible but is it even possible at this stage of the game?

Donā€™t see why not.

Yeah weā€™re all here because we want to play turn based with other players not AIā€¦ We should try to find subs, I donā€™t mind waiting for someone to take the spots for Gaul and Portugal.

lets get new game, pls
all of us like a subs no one remembers their own spots already