FFA 14 players 24h (ab7b03d7)

Smack talk goes here for FFA 14 players 24h ! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/ab7b03d7-c595-4f45-b4c9-5fd9b7a48fef

Modified turn order to maximise the number of turns/day, hope it will be smooth

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Do we have a Discord channel for this game yet?

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Here you go : Discord

This game has been reset by the admin.

Why was it reset?

There was some discussion here about changing some settings and doing a re-map: Discord

can’t find the discussion in discord.

can’t finish my turn, spawned on coast, surrounded by hills and rainforest. have one settler and two builders stuck on one tile.

i think we need another remap.

Did you try here: Discord ?

that takes me to the cpl discord

I had something similar in another game, and I had to shift-enter, I think it was, to end turn.

i tried, didn’t work

Shift + Enter worked for me, same kind of thing with multiple settlers on one tile

Try this for a channel.

that discord link also takes me to the cpl discord

guess i can try again with the shift+enter

Thats the right spot, if you scroll down you will see Play by Cloud > pydt-games > GHOSN’S 12FFA 24h

not seeing it

ok, shift+enter worked that time. hopefully i don’t lose those units?

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No, I think you’re fine. I had to do that in the first version of this game. I had 1 - 2 settlers and 1 - 2 builders stuck on the first city’s tile. I was able to spread them out the next turn.