Smack talk goes here for FFA 14 players 24h ! Game URL:
Modified turn order to maximise the number of turns/day, hope it will be smooth
Do we have a Discord channel for this game yet?
This game has been reset by the admin.
Why was it reset?
can’t find the discussion in discord.
can’t finish my turn, spawned on coast, surrounded by hills and rainforest. have one settler and two builders stuck on one tile.
i think we need another remap.
that takes me to the cpl discord
I had something similar in another game, and I had to shift-enter, I think it was, to end turn.
i tried, didn’t work
Shift + Enter worked for me, same kind of thing with multiple settlers on one tile
Try this for a channel.
that discord link also takes me to the cpl discord
guess i can try again with the shift+enter
Thats the right spot, if you scroll down you will see Play by Cloud > pydt-games > GHOSN’S 12FFA 24h
ok, shift+enter worked that time. hopefully i don’t lose those units?
No, I think you’re fine. I had to do that in the first version of this game. I had 1 - 2 settlers and 1 - 2 builders stuck on the first city’s tile. I was able to spread them out the next turn.