Fast Game 2 - 7 Seas CPL Rules (bcd37c4d)

Smack talk goes here for Fast Game 2 - 7 Seas CPL Rules! Game URL:

GMT 21:00 to 3:00, and 10:30 to 11:30.

8-16 GMT
@danlmartins, is this a CPL ranked game (it would require all players to be in / join CPL)?

@danlmartins would you be ok to start the game after BBG 5.6 goes live (6th of November), so that we play on the new version?

we can update if we want to, right?

hey @adi_4k! yeah, I saw they launched the beta. It’ll be 15 days until then. I’d say we open a voting and we go with the majority. In order to help everyone vote, would you please quickly explain what are the changes between the current and the new version?
@Chiller, personally I’d prefer to stick with the same version throughout the game… things may get complicated if rules are changed mid game. But again, we can vote it out!

Yeah, not going to change mid game. We either use the current BBG or we wait for the next one to go live.

hey everyone, please join the game’s chat room over discord! cheers!

  • wait for new version
  • start with the current available one

0 voters

mod changes are Discord

@Chiller is it possible to see who needs to vote still? I seems like most people want to start already, but I’ll wait a bit more for the other two.

no, there are two votes missing. We can give until the end of the day and then just count them as ‘third’ option

@danlmartins the vote has been casted, lets proceed with the first turn? we still have to draft the civs/leaders

yeah! I’ll start later tonight, ok? is everyone on the discord channel?


@Chiller , only you are left to vote on which leader should each player get → LINK

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This game has been reset by the admin.

@danlmartins, is this game on static BBG 5.5 or should @HappyCamper (before making his turn) send the save to Calcifer or Goldfire to add the static BBG version?

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well remembered, @adi_4k. @HappyCamper would you send @Calcifer on discord the save file so that he can edit it?
@adi_4k, do you have the link for static version of the mod?

This dropbox folder is going to be the placeholder for static BBG releases for cloud.
To install a particular version of BBG, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the particular .zip file from Dropbox
  2. Copy and Extract it into the Mods folder of where Civ 6 is installed on your system. On Windows, it should be somewhere like this: “…\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization VI\Mods”
  3. Restart Civ
  4. Go to Additional Content->Mods menu, and disable newly installed BBG to not conflict with real-time or other games (attached image).
  5. Load your game as usual, and play your turn.
    Dropbox - BBG Static Releases for Cloud - Simplify your life
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I’ve just realized we are still on BBG 5.6 and I’m OK to keep playing as it is.
@danlmartins, as you are the host, should we stay on this live version?

hey @adi_4k! as agreed before the game started, I’ve asked @Calcifer to adjust the file and he kindly has done so. So from now on everyone needs to have the BBG5.5 static folder placed on your /mods folder!

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