Eternal War between random civs (read description) (5e08941e)

And then there was one less.

Just wanted to see the current state of the game. Was quite fun, unfortunatly a horse army destroyed my army and then a naval invasion followed :wink:
It was quite fun TBH, but it’s really difficult to fix the war-weariness.

Good luck everyone!

Yeah war weariness was kicking my ass until I took Meroe and the occupancy penalties dropped. Really grateful no one went Macedon with this setup; that would have been nuts.

Agreed, the war weariness is a pain. I think I declared war on the first three civs I found, so war weariness was really a pain for a while. Got one entertainment center up with arena which helps a bit.

And another one has fallen.

Guess I’m finally out. This was a fun game, probably one of the funniest games I have played in a long time. I do have two complaints with the always war game. The first is there isn’t an always war option in Civ6 like there was in Civ4. In Civ4, you could set the game to always war so you would automatically declare war on every civ you found, and that eliminated the war weariness. The second I declared war on 3 of the 4 civs I discovered, which really killed me in war weariness. My production and technology really struggled for the longest time, so I fell behind in tech which ultimately allowed me to be killed off. But it was a blast doing all the fighting. Looking forward to another one like this if somebody sets it up.

The war weariness is a real problem in this case. I did a quick search on the Steam Workshop but couldn’t find a handy mod that just removes the war waeriness completly. Maybe someone else has a good idea?

I’m going to concede here. My army is pretty much obliterated and I’m at least 15 turns away from getting a nuke. Meanwhile nlla is sending Modern armor armies across my borders that I cant make a dent in.

Hard fought victory from the unlikeliest of civs. Good Game Nlla, hope to play with you again.

Thank you, it was a really fun game! Hope to play with you again too :slight_smile: