[DONE] Game won't load and can't roll back

I’m running a game with a friend, we’re about 100 turns in, and he is reporting that he is getting an error trying to load the game. He asked me to roll back to try to fix it, but when I do that, it says there is an error and it won’t let me take any action. Is there any way this can be manually rolled back a turn to try to resolve?


It looks like now it’s been put in a state where the client shows it as the other players turn, the website shows it as my turn, but when I try to download the save I get an error about a missing key.

I’m pretty stumped, do you have any more detail about how you got in this state? I don’t see any turns for your game at all which is a bit concerning. The latest turn in backups I see is turn 125, I could restore there if you want, but I’d really like to figure out how this happened if you have any more info.

Oh no - I think I see what’s happening, thanks so much for pointing this out. I’ve got a new feature coming for game replays that’s saving game state images, and when we go to prune save files those images are being included in the count of things to delete. :frowning: Since your game is going so fast you hit the bug first.

Like I said, I can revert you to 125, but if you have any more recent saves on your PC I can revert to whatever you give me.

This is the most recent save I have sitting in my pydt archive, it should be the latest turn I submit. I can give an older one as well if necessary, thankfully it seems like I have quite a few saves in here to go back to.
SHAKA 73 580 AD.Civ6Save (2.2 MB)

I think it should be for the end of my turn on the latest turn, ready for Carrion to play.

OK, I think the game should be good to go, thanks again for calling my attention to this!

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Appears like it’s been properly restored, thank you for the help!