[CLOSED] Various Problems with Messages, Invites, etc

Background info:

  • Not sure if this is related, but whenever I look at my profile page, it has a warning message at the bottom that I have NOT yet joined the forum, and invites me to go to the forum.
    If I go to the forum, I do not see any means of ‘joining’

Question 1:

  • How can I send a message to someone, or an invite ? I don’t see any means of doing this.

Problem 1:
On June 1st there was apparently an invite to me from Kennedy992.
This is here: https://discourse.playyourdamnturn.com/t/invite/2050/3

However, I can only see this by entering that url to find it. The only reason I am aware of it is that Mesias_G replied on June 3rd, and this resulted in an email copy to me that contains a link to the invite. Only yesterday I noticed the link in the email and followed it, to see the actual invite.

Question 2:
Where do I navigate to in the website to be able to see this invite? I don’t seem to be able to find anything related. Only Forum options I have are:

  • Smack Talk, Bug Reports, Uncategorized, Feature Requests, Client Releases

Further Background Info.
When I look at the invite, the icons for Mesias_G, and Kennedy992 has their icons from their steam profiles present. However, my icon does not - implying some disconnect somewhere ??

thanks & regards

The forum software we’re using is called Discourse (https://www.discourse.org/), there really aren’t too many modifications I’ve made to it, and to be honest I don’t understand everything about how it works. To answer some of your questions:

  • Invite: There is no “Invite” feature on the site, I think that person just created a thread called “Invite”. I think you should get email notifications if you have a valid email address registered on the site. Do you have an email address set on the forum?

  • Profile / Not Joined the Forum: The main website just checks to see if there’s a user on the forum with the same name as your public steam username. Obviously, this isn’t foolproof, but the idea is you sign into the forum using your steam login and the two would be the same. If you change your steam username, these can get out of sync. Did you join the forum using the steam login?