[CLOSED] Request for advice

Probably not a bug in pydt, more a request for help and advice, please.

Suddenly in 3 separate games:

All these games have suddenly stopped loading (for all players), because of an incorrect version of ‘Better Balanced Game’, either 4.7.1 or 4.7.2.

The problem is that these ‘not-known’ versions are different from the versions that all the players have, and with which the games were started (recently) and have been working fine up til now. Any ideas how this could happen ?
How can a different dlc from the game start suddenly appear during the game ?

Thanks for any advice.

Unfortunately I don’t know a lot about how mods in civ 6 technically work, and I’d just be making stuff up, hopefully this gets fixed soon. :frowning:


For anyone else happening upon this, the developers had added an April 1st “joke” which screwed a lot of people. If you encounter this, here is the solution:

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