CGH Pangaea ranked 8 ffa (d2db460f)

That was how I read it, but I know English is a second language for some players, so I wanted to make sure :slight_smile:

I interpreted it as meaning No to Great Negotiators Pack only.

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I seem to have lost my CGH Discord access. Can anyone send me the discord link?

I think the CGH Discord may have been deleted in the aftermath of some controversy.

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@Squidoo: coolmajaka left all his games, so would you look for a sub on PYDT-Discord?

@Markelix, any idea why @coolmajaka left?
Was it because of this on PYDT discord?

Don’t know anything more. He just posted in another game that he leaves all games:

I am getting grief from the site owner so I am leaving my games. Sorry everyone!

Yap, got the source:

I will ask around for a sub.

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Thanks for looking for a sub, @adi_4k!
… and thanks and welcome @Calcifer!

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@MisterT800, thanks for voting me :wink:

In fact my vote - against MisterT800 - made the difference.

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@Markelix, your vote also made the difference here

And also here, @Markelix :wink:

O.k., even at the second - again with an other outcome i voted for. But on the third my vote wasn’t crucial. :wink:

All of these outcomes are pretty sad for me, and I’m already on the ground :sob:

My only cs ally (and realistically alliable for the upcoming future) is military and I haven’t built a university yet for eurekas

Look again, Militaristic city state was selected because it had 3 votes, 1 from you and 2 from @Cratmang

O.k., right. So a last “little victory” before Mongols eliminate me soon.


what a sad congress :frowning:
in all of them option B has won. toxic :stuck_out_tongue:

War never changes :smiley:

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@Squidoo , will you be so kind to remove the timer until @MisterT800 gets back from the holiday (16th of July)?
The game is very interesting and it would be best if @MisterT800 got a chance to make his turns instead of the AI.