CGH Pangaea ranked 8 ffa (d2db460f)

@EmJayLambert will join soon :wink:

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@CEO_of_Spearfighting, the turn is again yours because of a revert bug

I have reverted the turn after @EmJayLambert replaced the AI, but the turn got reverted all the way back to you.

I have reported the bug:

Sweden has Grapes, Oil and Niter for sale if anyone would care to make us an offer.

There is nothing about this in game description, but I propose playing without trading of Gold & Strategic Resources - this is the usual way of playing FFA matches in CPL.

By the way, @EmJayLambert & @Jash , I would like to invite you to join CPL and then get the “CLOUD” role by reacting “1” to the bellow message in #assigned_roles


I think its a bit late to add this rule to the game at this point?

Sure, I’m ok to playing without any rule as none was mentioned in the game description.

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This match was supposed to be CGH ranked.
Since CGH is no more, should we consider this a CPL ranked match?

No strong opinion.

No strong opinion here either. but if that makes you play more frequently sure :smiley:

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@EmJayLambert, you will be replaced by @indrew

@CEO_of_Spearfighting, once @indrew joins, he should revert the turn to you, for his average turn time not to be affected.

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I have created this post in CPL Discord for easier communication: [Discord]

I’ve told you that America is going to win the game :wink:
My plan was to go to space, not to send diggers and battleships all across the world.
And I’m a noob at going to space, never been there before :))

GGWP. No way for me to defend against Moden Armor. Doesn’t make any difference if AI or human. My units are 3 eras back.


GG WP. I got CV. Australia is defending culture victory and his turn is already passed. so my screenshot should be sufficient. Either way, Canada @CEO_of_Spearfighting as last player can also confirm

GG WP! Congrats @Calcifer!
And thank you all for this very nice game!
It was my first ever science victory attempt and also my first ever defeat by culture, I’ve learned quite a lot.

I think if you had started killing ur neighbours earlier it would have been harder for me to get CV :smiley:
or if u had attacked me :crazy_face:

Greece also helped me a lot to get CV. Thanks @Jash

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Yes, I didn’t want to attack you, as we made the no-aggression pact.
And I realized too late that I should destroy and pillage, not just wish for the stars :smiley:
LE: and I forgot to cut down all the trees to speed up the projects :frowning:

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GG! Somewhat a frustrating game for me (I subbed in and the previous player had a terrible build order, then I irrel’d myself mutually with Mongolia by trying to backstab them while they were busy with Persia) but it was fun trying to catch up as much as possible.

CV is the best V

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