Can two people play from one Steam account in a PYDT game?

Is this possible? Two of the players will actually be local to each other! :smiley:


Not right now - I’ll think about this and see if I can come up with a good way to implement it. However, the steam account that actually owns the copy of Civ 6 doesn’t really matter - if you can create a steam account for the second person just to join the game on PYDT you should be able to still play, although it’ll probably be pretty painful. :slight_smile:

Ah okay, thanks for the quick answer :).

BTW - I downloaded the client and a prompt says “Enter your token…” What token is it looking for?


Nevermind, figured it out :).

(For anyone else looking for this-- After you log in via Steam here on the site, the Your Profile page has your token.)

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