Bo3 Tryharders, Lakes, BBG, BBS, SS, M&C, Mods, FFA (rules) (5b0e935e)

Smack talk goes here for Bo3 Tryharders, Lakes, BBG, BBS, SS, M&C, Mods, FFA (rules) ! Game URL:

Salutes to Ambiorix from queen Kristina.
Sweden offers peace to Gauls, we certainly stole a settler from yours, but just to teach a lesson, settlers must not travel unescorted, we want a good relation with Gauls, and peace offer has been sent. Please accept it, our kingdom will work with you to help u recover from that lose.

Peace has been accepted.
I don’t think you’ll find that settler to be of much use to you, He was a fool!

We will educate him, nothing that a few lashes can’t fix. :fist_right:

Excellent! :smiley:

Hello Julius Caesar, the kingdom of Sweeden feels betrayed by your nation, we had an agreement to respect our borders and for having a long term friendship. What did our kingdom do to be betrayed by who was supposed to be our friend?

Greetings! It’s all the Legionnaires’ fault…
Under threat of rebellion, they demanded land from the Roman Senate for settlements of Legion veterans. The Senate suggested that they take care of this themselves, since everything in Rome itself had been inhabited for a long time. Well, since the agreements with Christina were temporary (only 30 moves) and had just ended by that moment, it was decided to annex the lands of the Swedes to the Roman Empire.
The legionnaires assured the Senate that the civilian Swedish population would not suffer and would be happy under the control of the Roman administration. Caesar promised to expand the acquired cities and build new Libraries and Amphitiatres in them. Thus, the military campaign launched will not only serve the greatness of Rome, but will also bring the light of enlightenment to its eastern neighbor.

We accepted the declaration of friendship from Rome under the terms that we agreed, to be a long term friendship, and cooperation between our nations, does Caesar words have any value?

Caesar’s word is unshakable! If he promises, he always keeps his promises. But in this case he didn’t promise anything…

There is a Game Mechanics to which all Rulers in the World of this Game are subject. And then there are the Rules established by the Creator of the Game. These are what Caesar carried out and will carry out strictly.

And the mentioned Declaration of Friendship is valid only for 30 moves (and does not particularly oblige you to anything, with the end of this period…), after which it is necessary either to conclude a new one or to look for other options for solving political problems. Since Caesar did not enter into any other agreements other than the Declaration, there can be no claims against him.

It’s easy to say that Rome has forgotten what we agreed not 30, but like 60 turns ago, we agreed on long term friendship, that why I’m being taken by surprise. will Caesar say that he does not remember his deals? is that the way how he will try to hide a betrayed promise?

Extending the Declaration of Friendship for the second 30 moves does not guarantee its conclusion a third time.
Caesar did not promise anything, and did not break any rules.
Well, if Christina thought that Caesar couldn’t try to exploit his neighbor’s weakness, then that’s only her problem…

We hear tales of your grievances in foreign lands though our civilizations have never met. In our lands the ancient ways persist and a leader would formally denounce a neighbour before declaring war. It is the honourable way. We wonder whether Rome denounced Sweden before instigating hostilities? Though by the sounds of disarray within their government I’m not sure this was very likely!

No. Rome did not condemn Sweden before the attack. Should he have?

Caesar carefully read the rules of the Game and did not find any prohibitions on the “Sudden War”. Privately, between the Swedes and the Romans, there were also no agreements - it turns out that there should be no complaints against Caesar.

It’s easy to say that that there were no agreements. Now Caesar will say that he has forgotten his words. But concerning to what Pete mentioned, Caesar can also say that we have never threatened, invaded, pushed his territory or any other action that motivated Caesar to invade Sweden.
There is no reason, more over, it’s an abuse of a declared agreement, now he says “I remember nothing” and he pretends that to be reason enough to walk over his own words.

Does anyone know what has happened to Perro?

In another game, has been gone for 3.5 weeks.

He is still alive and playing games on Steam.


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Despite being online and playing a game called Farming Simulator; I did not get a reply to my message on Discord.

Should we just kick him from the games?

It’s sad when the player who created the game decides to ignore it. But it all started so well…
Regarding the current situation: I am sorry to part with the Games, with which I have been living for a whole year. I’m in favor of finishing them without Perro.

I am fine with whatever the majority of players decide on this.