Andrewsmart48's game! (39b27416)

My laptop is broken.
It will take about 2 weeks to fix it.

understand mate i had a similar issue

My pc is dead. Will get a new one or mine repaired by 21st


My monitor died 2 weeks ago. Things happen in threes.

I have denounced Peteyboy (Victoria).
He has settled a military base off my coast, and I believe is going to invade.

If there is anyone that can help me, I would appreciate it.

That’s merely a trading post to secure a supply of diamonds. Though we do have other interests in that region and it’s nice to stay connected with one’s vassals :smiley:

Then send me a friendship request. You have denied my last few. (ya, I know I denounced you, so that could be hard.) But still, you denied my request and forward settled me.

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Hi All. It has just come to my attention that Ethiopia has transgressed the rules for this game by capturing a City State. I’m not sure how this should be dealt with. One suggestion would be to withdraw from Jerusalem and allow another Civ to capture it and return its CS status. As capturing Jerusalem has enabled Ethiopia access to attack America perhaps there should be a cease fire and America allowed to retake Jerusalem.

who was suzarian before the capture?

ideally they would recapture

Maybe make peace with America, return any captured cities, gift Jerusalem to America.

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i am ok with that

Sorry about that, I didn’t realize this rule. I’m used to being allowed to take 1, raze the rest. If I was aware, then I probably would have razed it most likely. What should I do in the meantime?

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the intention was that they be untouchable certainly.

I think America was Suzerain. It’s an unusual rule so understand the error. As it will be difficult to redress (gifting it to America doesn’t return its CS status) and also given the fact that Ethiopia wasn’t challenged until ‘after the event’ there is a case for ‘letting it go’. As America is the effectively the ‘loser’ in this situation perhaps we should see what, if anything, they would like to do.

It doesn’t matter to me, I’m America. I’m so far behind in tech and civics I will never catch up. I’m fine with him pressing on with his attack since it was an honest mistake.

Sorry @DogBoy511 didn’t realise it was you. Yeah, I guess we’re all good with that unless anyone says different. Though as your military ally I would support your earlier proposal if that’s what you wanted.

i think a 5 turn indian piece would about cover it.

Just to be clear, are you proposing a unilateral cease fire for 5 turns? Are you looking for consensus on this choice from those impacted or would you like to implement this choice as game host? Sorry for the delayed response over the holidays.

i would say it was fair. but i wont force it on the game if no one agrees

Can we just confirm that no further attacks are allowed against City States?