Aagcobb's game! (1ae00c50)

Smack talk goes here for aagcobb’s game!! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/1ae00c50-220c-46f5-8b32-7559553cab30

kombinat13 welcome to the game! I’ll wait another day to see if anyone else joins, then I’ll start it.

thanks. i hope that somebody else will join.

I’ll give it another day then.

One more here

Lets try to gather someone else :slight_smile:

i found the last one. :slight_smile: letz start.

Starting right now!!

hi … i have a short trip on this weekend … i come back on sunday…

I will be out of town June 19-24

I am having surgery tomorrow so I may not be able to play a turn for awhile, but hopefully not too long.

Unless someone lets me know they want to continue this game, I will surrender it. Its been nearly a month since the last turn was played.