6PPL Fractal (28067229)

I’m available between 16-18 GMT and 22-05 GMT on weekdays and pretty much completely available on weekends

gmt 1700 to 2200

What time zone are you?

Play 0000-1200 GMT/UTC


sorry, my notes are rough, but I don’t have time to edit. Info era start:

All civics and technologies up to Info era are already researched. Most Uniques are obsolete.

  1. Districts cost 1 turn production and contain all researched buildings. Except for Encampment - because there is a choice there barracks/stable, no buildings are present in Encampment.

  2. Settlers, settlers, settlers! Cities start with 6 pop, the first few start with builder. For this reason, Religious settlements pantheon should be banned.

  3. Before you play your first turn, very carefully choose your cards in Government. Most civics are already researched. Probably 40+ turns until your first researched civic. Not much opportunity to change governments for free.

  4. Usually domination win con only. No great prophets. Very few great people.

    1. Turn 440 start, however, game doesn’t end until a victory condition is met (so I’m told)
    2. 4 settlers start
    3. 677 gold start
    4. -33 gold cash flow start. Don’t go bankrupt! We’ll start with negative income in gold, bankruptcy means losing a lot of amenities forever. However, commercial hubs and their building are produced in one turn.
    5. Start with military units, such as 2 rangers or spec ops, 2 machine guns
    6. get an infantry and builder on capital start
    7. Cities start with extra tiles and extra housing capacity.
    8. initial techs take 150+ turns to researched
    9. 1 trader with each new city (up to about 6).
    10. 1st city pop 13, 2nd and 3rd pop 6. Need 7 pop for 2 districts.
    11. Most wonders not available. Available are Estadio de Marcana, Sydney Opera, Amundsen’s Station.
    12. All units can embark.
    13. 19 envoys (?) to start.
    14. AI went fascism.
    15. Must find oil, aluminum, uranium.
    16. Spaceport, launch satellite, see entire planet.
    17. Don’t need water for housing; use aqueducts, sewers and neighborhoods/food markets.
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are we going to be taking 2 days to play a turn?
I’m not sure i want to be playing something that might never end…

what do you guys think of a 48hrs timer?

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I’m against it

I should be more active all, wife just got out of the hospital. I’m sorry for any inconvenience


my pc is better i should be able to play quick again

:pray: :pray: :pray:

hey guys, did @Bored quit all his games?
Should we wait for a sub?
To be honest, I’m at war against him since the beggining as he settled with Kupe right beside my capital, and things didn’t go very well for him. I don’t think people will want to sub in.
Thought this should be brought up, anyways. What do you guys think?

How many cities does Kupe have? If only 1 then I would just continue with AI. If > 1 then it can unbalance the game, IMO, assuming you take all the cities.

he has only one. I just captured a run away settler.

I would delete the settler and then we could move forward with AI. General best practice, but others need to agree. 1 city shouldn’t unbalance the game, but if you get fed free settlers then it would.

I did take the settler before he quit, a few turns ago! maybe this was one of the reasons for quitting.

Most games ban Māori for the very reason that they land next to another civ and screw up the game.

I suggest: delete the settler, agree that no players can conquer and keep any Maori cities (raze them only)


restart the game

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if the settler was taken before he quit no need to deleete.

I agree with the ban of maori. but this decision should’ve been made before the game started.
he settled near me and it really slowed down my game. I don’t think it is fair, now that I am finally winning the war, not to let me have my spoils because he rage quit.
Another reason is that he has only one city, which is his capital. It cannot be razed.
Do you think it’s fair that I engage in war, win it, but cannot take the other players’ capital (which is 8 tiles from my own) because the player rage quit? I should just let the AI survive within my terrirory, causing all sorts of problems, because the player rage quit a few turns before I could finish him?
I don’t think it is fair at all.
nor should we be restarting a game because of someone rage quitting. it would be a waste of time.
Just do not let @Bored start any other new games and that’s it.
It seems like he’s been having family problems, but it would’ve nice if he’d let us know he’d quit.
Anyways, I feel that anything that prohibits me from taking war spoils would be hugely unfair. I couldn’t build settlers because I was in war, I didn’t get a golden age because I was in war, I couldn’t try to get Hypatia because I was in war. Also, the war is not over. He’s got a lot of ships, he can go into the ocean, which makes it very difficult to battle, and his capital is well defended. I didn’t want him to quit, and I should not be punished for it.

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