4 Corners of the World - FFA - BBG BBM (fdee5251)

good luck have fun!

loving the pace so far.

I thought there must be an error when I had another move within about an hour of sending mine. :joy:

Yes, GLHF, all!

I came into this late, so Iā€™m sorry if this is a question already addressedā€¦ Are there any barbarians in this game? Just want to know if I have a chance at any of those tech boosts. Thanks!

Yes, theyā€™re set to BBGā€™s Civilized, so fairly quiet overall but you still need to whack em

Anyone knows why Great Scientists are currently ā€œall individuals of this type have already been earnedā€? Is it a feature that I somehow completely ignored where thereā€™s no more Classical Era GScientists since weā€™re very close to entering Classical Era? :confused:

Iā€™ll ask around a bit but if this is a bug (and especially if this never gets fixed by a new era) I might have to revert.

Edit: and ofc if you guys properly see the queue of Great Scientists in your game, let me know, but I doubt it. I use Real Great People but itā€™s cosmetic only.

Itā€™s up to you - I highly suspect itā€™s a bug so weā€™d need to revert 2 turns back, or we can wait 2 turns and experiment to see.

I also noticed that only one has been claimed and mine reads the same as yours, ā€œAll individualsā€¦ā€ If anyone is willing to say, did they claim a great scientist or were there never any? Strange. We can revert, or we play it out since it impacts all of us in the same way?

I did claim Hypatia, on turn 28 (popped a Project for it). Then, it was as you can see now.

Iā€™m trying to fiddle in singleplayer to see if I can reproduce this ā€œshortageā€ of GScientist and see what happens in Classical Era.

In any case if we have no GScientist for the rest of the game itā€™s definitely a revert :smile:

Loading the PYDT archived turn of my turn 28 causes the same thing - If I recruit Hypatia, nothing comes after.

However if I load the initial turn 1 and spam shift-enter (with a cmapus and projects), after recruiting Hypatia I properly get a queued-up Gscientist. Strange.

Iā€™ll experiment a bit but yeah, maybe a revert to turn 27 is in order.

I hope everyone properly has 5.8.1 local BBG.

Edit: Iā€™m fiddling with Reverts rn.

Edit: Unfortunately reverting to turn 28 wasnā€™t enough - I once again got an empty queue after Hypatia.
letā€™s try turn 27.

Fuck. The same bug happened again. (I even disabled Real Great People because you never know).

Dammit. Iā€™m at a loss. Iā€™ll try to tinker a bit more but Iā€™m afraid weā€™ll need to go back to turn 1 or generate another map, idkā€¦

Itā€™s most likely gonna be a scrap if you guys donā€™t have any suggestion or if Calcifer/other tech guys donā€™t have a genius idea. :sob:

Edit: ā€œJust playing without great scientistsā€ isnā€™t an option because while I was tinkering with the save, turns out recruiting a Great Admiral also shows that thereā€™s no more in the game after thatā€¦

Maybe thereā€™s hope. I have managed to create a similar game and the bug happens (or not) depending on which mods I enable/disable. I feel like thereā€™s a way we can salvage this by having everyone use the same (maybe useless) mods.

iā€™m fine with whatever seems like the best option. would definitely stick around for a restart or installing other mods.

The poor people of this world experiencing Groundhog Turn

Allright, hereā€™s the research I came up with.
I created a singleplayer game that is in most ways similar to ours, played a few turns and started generating towards a Great Scientist, then saved.
Using that save 2 turns before obtaining the Gscientist, I am able to reproduce the bug by removing a mod from those I have loaded on the main menu. If I load that mod on the main menu then load the save, it works perfectly and I get a queue of GScientists showing up.

I tried reverting just one step back (to matt_lambertā€™s turn) and have him play with the mod. However, that didnā€™t fix anything.

So as a last resort, I suggest the 4 of us try the following:

Get the mod in the link below and place it in My Games/Sid Meierā€™s Civ6/Mods (similarly to how you placed BBG 5.8.1 Static).
Before loading your turn, make sure you go into Mods and set PerfectWorld to be enabled.
Once youā€™re in the game make sure the mod is running (Press Esc then scroll down the list of Mods/Official Firaxis DLCs until you can read PerfectWorld in the list).

If itā€™s there, play the turn as you please, then send it through PYDT as usual.

Iā€™m reverting the game to one full turn before I unlocked Hypatia and hope thatā€™ll do the trick.

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followed these directions and submitted my turn

Same. Fingers crossedā€¦

Nope. Itā€™s joever.

Iā€™ll prepare a scrap. Most likely will require a new PYDT lobby, but shouldnt take long

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Password is: scientist

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Should we all surrender from the old one?

Once weā€™re out, sure. In the meanwhile Iā€™ll stay here (and endure the ā€œitā€™s your turnā€ notification).

Weā€™ll keep the civs since the draft was done.
Alsoā€¦ if everyone was happy with their start, I guess I could keep the settings and map seed of the previous map? Except this time I wonā€™t have faulty mods that I donā€™t needā€¦

(You can delete PerfectWorld btw)

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