3rd game is a charm (7659c6ea)

Smack talk goes here for 3rd game is a charm! Game URL: https://playyourdamnturn.com/game/7659c6ea-5590-493e-b320-76ce37671f94

Hi, guys! I’m having problems with the mods in this turn. I tried disabling the mods, remaining only the DLCs specified in the game, but the result is the same. I’m running out of ideas so if you know any solution I could try let me know.


Not sure mate, everything was running ok for me. Maybe try uninstall/reinstalling civ?

I had a similar issue in another game and simply restarting my computer fixed it. Earlier I had this issue and it turned out that mods that were disabled had somehow been reenabled, no idea how. Disabling the unused ones worked. Not sure if these work for you but good luck.

Thank you all for the advice. I attempted to follow your suggestions, but regrettably, I was unable to resolve the issue. I believe the best option is to request a replacement. I apologize for this delay.

all I’m going to revert the turn to try to fix the loading issue.

here are the mods used in game

I just got the same problem in another game and the person before me just created a new save and that worked.

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I am very sorry, guys, I have the same problem again. When I click on Load game, nothing happens - there is no error, nothing. No Additional content item is written in red. So I don’t have an idea what could be wrong. This is the only game where I have this issue. Maybe anyone has an idea what could be wrong? Else I may have to request substitution to unblock you.

I see this in log:
Runtime Error: bad argument #1 to ‘lIsMod Compatible’ (integer expected, got nil)

For some reason it seems its failing while checking mod compatibility. It is the same even if I disable all mods.
My game version is, which I think is newest, maybe it would be good that we all use latest version.

not sure mate, all i know is Stigg and I were able to load the game normally. I’l rollback the save to Stigg and see if creating a new save works like it did for Monoixde

Unfortunately it didn’t help, I tried everything, also restarting, nothing helps. I hope that some substitute can appear soon. Sorry for this, maybe if anyone gets any additional idea, let me know.

no worries, Umar will join

I’ll be away from 2 May until 14 June without access to the game, sorry guys